What Are Those Tools Used to Clear the Blocked Drains?

Written by  //  2018/04/23  //  Home Maintenance  //  No comments

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The plumbing system of any building must function efficiently. The building is usable and habitable only when the system functions properly. It is mainly the owner of the property who is responsible for blocked drains.

To mitigate sudden drainage issues, every property owner must have some knowledge about the drains. Preventative steps and measures must be taken to avoid any kind of drain problem in the near future. When large foreign objects get accumulated in the drains, clogging takes place.

Some of the objects are baby wipes, twigs, sanitary products, toys and other such products. The foreign matter finding their ways through holes, joints and cracks of pipes tend to build up and cause major blockage. Slowly and steadily the waste starts to build up and takes the form of a drain blockage.

If the drains are blocked, water will not pass through efficiently. When water cannot pass off efficiently, this again leads to flooding as water tends to accumulate. When water builds up, you will find pool of water. This again causes property damage. If the issue is not addressed on time, there will be problems in the wiring and electrical connections. The issue of blocked drains should be addressed as early as possible.

Watch out for the signs of drain blockage

To get rid of drain blockage, you need to hire a plumber has the skills in clearing the blocked drains. With the help of technologically advanced tools, he will clear the blockage. Blocked drains may only be addressed by a professional. You must watch out for the potential signs of drain blockage such as the toilet filling up continually or the water taking time when it comes to reaching the desired level. Water can fill up the shower area while it retreats when you leave the place.

If you can smell something bad from the laundry room, bathroom or kitchen, chances are that there is a blockage in a drain. So, always consider getting in touch with the drain cleaning expert to resolve the issue of clogged drain.

Tools used to unclog the drain:

  • The importance of plunger for drain cleaning
    Homeowners looking for drain cleaning can use a plunger to address the clog. If you call a plumber for help, he will come with other tools also. Hiring professionals for drain cleaning and unclogging would be the best option. The plunger can be used on the bathtub, toilet, bathroom sinks and also kitchen sinks. With the help of a plunger, you may unclog the toilets, bathtub and sinks. Make sure the plunger is first submerged in water prior to pressing. One needs to apply pressure on the plunger and then release that to eventually unclog the drain. If the plunger does not work in your case, you have to use other tools. Also, if you do not know how to use it, hire a plumber for the task.
  • The need for plumber snake
    To get rid of the blockage in the drain, you may also use a cable auger or a plumber snake. They are just perfect for addressing the clog which is deeper or lies underneath. You just need to lower the tool and then push it till you reach the blockage area. An electric power auger is needed if the blockage is too severe and cannot be addressed by usual plumber snake. You just need to turn on the motor and the plumber snake reaches the problem area. The tool breaks the blockage into smaller pieces and reaches down the drain.

If you do not want to experience a blocked drains, you may take up preventative measures. Regular drain cleaning and drain inspection is must to consider. To loosen the clog, pour down hot water occasionally. Never flush large foreign particles down the drain.

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