How To Be a Home Staging Star
Written by SayHomeBuy Admin // 2014/12/15 // Home Staging // No comments
If you are planning to sell your house , you have probably encountered the term “staging your home”, which is constantly used by many estate agents. It usually refers to the whole process of cleaning and decorating the house so that it looks appealing in the eyes of the potential buyer. You are probably wondering why staging is that important. Well, the main reason is that it gives you the chance to sell your house quickly and for a considerable price.
There are many things you can do in order to make your home look attractive, depending on your willingness and the money you can afford.
Emphasize the beauty of your yard
The basic reason why you should stage your home is to make the buyer interested. That is why both the interior and the exterior of your house should be perfectly organized. When it comes to the backyard , make sure that all the plants are well-maintained, that the lawn is mowed and that the paths are washed. Put some garden furniture on the patio and invite the buyers for a cup of coffee.
Another clever thing to do is washing the windows from the outside and painting the walls, so that the house gets brighter. If the house has a balcony, put some fresh flowers out there and clean it. You should fill it with a coffee table and several chairs and emphasize the beauty of sitting there in the morning and drinking coffee.
Finally, make sure that the house seems spotless from the outside at any moment because you can never know when the perfect buyer is going to stop by.
Make your house sparkling clean
Another crucial element is the interior of the house. Firstly, the home needs to be perfectly clean and all the rooms have to look even better than they are. Vacuum the house meticulously, especially if you own a pet because many people are allergic to dust or pet hair. You should be careful, notably when it comes to the bathroom and the kitchen, since they are supposed to be the cleanest parts of the house.
Secondly, every detail needs to be in a harmony with other details and that is the reason why a lot of clutter will make the room smaller and untidy. However, be careful about keeping your own stuff there because the potential buyers would certainly like to picture their personal possessions in that environment. Therefore, it is highly recommended that your personal stuff, such as clothes, dishes and photos should be previously removed, and renting container shelters could perfectly serve the purpose. We did some research on how many people actually do decide to rent a container, and according to All Shelter , it has proven to be a choice of many.
Do not be lazy; cleaning does not even require spending a lot of money. On the contrary, it may help you sell the house for even a better price than you thought.
Tiny details change everything
The buyer wont be interested in the sole quality of your home, but also in some tiny details that would determine if that is the house of his dreams. That is why you need to pay attention to every single element. Firstly, the house needs to look welcoming and warm, and the opening the curtains would be a great solution since the natural light could come in. You should also take care of the unpleasant odors and let the fresh air come in.
Also, you are supposed to repair anything that is malfunctioning and paint the house with some neutral and pleasant color. It is recommended that you rearrange the furniture in order to save more space. Make sure that the furniture and the floors are well preserved and free from stains since no one would like to live in such conditions.
All in all, staging your home could be exhausting, but at the same time extremely effective. Clean, bright and embellished homes generally attract a number of potential customers, and one of them would be in love with your house for sure.